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Sun City Center Tennis Association

 Executive Board Meeting February 2, 2010


Present : John Paulhus, Don Larsen, Del Ingwerson, Donna Waikel, Dan Miglino.

Vice President John Paulhus called the meeting to order at 1:35 PM.


The minutes from February 2, 2010 were read by Dan Miglino and approved with 2 minor corrections.


TreasurerÕs Report : Don Larson reported that the cash position is at $ 57285. The audit has not been done. Don is looking for an auditor who will work pro bono but still do an audit consistent with Florida state statutes. Don made a motion to authorize him to purchase duplicate checks which would allow easier tracking of the funds. Seconded by Dan Miglino. Passed unanimously.


Membership Report: Donna Waikel reported that there are 207 current members, including 4 social memberships. She is about to publish the new list. The CA requires that CA membership numbers be included on the list that goes to the CA. She will include those data on the list. Donna moved that she be authorized to purchase a flash drive to facilitate the keeping of the records. Seconded by Del Ingwerson. Passed unanimously. Donna also raised the issue of proper qualifications for the various Board functions with regard to the succession of Board members. For example, the membership person cannot function without being quite computer literate, and the treasurer has to have previous experience. Each ÒskillÓ position needs to have a trainee in line to succeed. After discussion it was agreed to discuss this further and reach a solution prior to the summertime hiatus.


Social Events Report: 

February 17 Valentine Dance: Del Ingwerson reported that there were 42 people signed up and paid so far. Usually the event draws about 100. With 2 weeks to go, the number seems realistic. Fred and Melinda Gagnon are managing this event.

March 11 General Meeting and Social: Del was unaware of the details of this event but assured the Board that Petra had the details under control.

March 20 FunFest: The pizza has been arranged as well as some early-bird breakfast items. The pizza provider will get $150 and then split 50/50 the price of the items (pizza $1.00 per slice.) 

April Fun Day: Del informs the Board that Nancy Williams is in charge. November General Meeting: the Board needs to be assured that the details are set prior to the  summertime hiatus.


Around the Table:

Dan mentioned that the noise from landscapersÕ power equipment is sometimes distracting to players. There is a policy restricting such equipment to after 12 PM. Don will speak to Kelly, the maintenance chief, about this. A member approached Dan about the possibility of waiving dues for members over age 85. The issue died for lack of a formal motion.


Del inquired about the ball machine rules. They are posted on the bulletin board at the courts. Thelocation of the switch for the court lights is a mystery. Del will inquire about this.


There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 2:30 PM.


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